Uwe Ludwig und Michael Fliß
Praxis für Ergotherapie
Glasstraße 7 A
D-50823 Köln Ehrenfeld

Telefon: (0221) 725741

eMail: praxisflissludwig@t-online.de
Internet: http://www.ergotherapie-koeln.de

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Sensory Integration the process of the development of the nervous systems.

This development already starts at the unborn child, prenatal , and lasts during the whole life.

In Phases of development influence is taken on perception and perception processing.

Sensory Integration means reception, compilation, processing and interpretation of sensory information for the acting use.

The Sensory Integration Therapy was developed by the american Jean Ayres (Psychologist and occupational therapist). It has positive influence on a varity of possible disorders and is a holistic, individual Therapy, where interaction of emotional, social and cognitive functions is very important.

In Sensory Integration Therapy the impaired (delayed, inhibited, disabled) development is treated with a specific therapy, diverse intensity and dosage according to the level of requirement after needs, interests and abilities of the client/patient. The aim is to gain an improved action competence.

A disorder in sensory integration can be seen in:

  • Developmental delays, motoric clumsiness, malfunctions of gross and fine motor skills, social conspicuities (behaviour, contact), learning disorder, hyperactivity
  • partial performance disorders, graphomotoric disorders, eating and/or sleeping disorders, speech disorders and speaking difficulties, auditive disorders